4) Honey bees know the world is round and can calculate angles
It turns out, scientists have figured out how to interpret a Honey Bee's dance; a Honey Bee uses its dance to communicate where to find food, a new home, and things of this nature. Using this information, an experiment was done where the only source of food for a colony was placed on the far side of a mountain. The bees could not fly over the mountain. However, when they communicated where the food was to be found, they used the angle across the mountain, relative to themselves, even though it was an angle they had never flown to the food source, but rather would have had to figure out in their head.
Further research has shown that they even have the ability to take into account the roundness of the Earth and they include this in their typical food finding dance.In addition to knowing angles, they also communicate how far they need to go in each direction. So basically, bee's are tiny little math nerds with amazing time keeping abilities and ability to calculate distance without any discernible measuring device!