Friday, 29 November 2013

7) Giraffes Can last Longer Than Camels Without Drinking Water
Giraffes spend about 80 percent of their day eating and they are said to be able to eat up to 77 pounds (35 kilograms) of food a day. Their favorite tree is the thomy acacia, which provides them all the necessary nutrients they need. The high water content in the leaves and fruit they eat even make it so they don't need to drink water much at all as long as they're eating enough. Regardless, they can go weeks without drinking water, longer than even camels, which is just as well because they have to bend a long way down to get a drink and water holes can be dangerous places in the wild. When they do drink water, giraffes can guzzle about 12 gallons at one time.
6) The Difference Between Turtles, Tortoises, And Terrapins
All three animal come under the class of reptiles, in the taxonomic order of Testudines or Chelonia  (which comes from the greek word "kelone", meaning interlocking shields or armor).They all have the major characteristics of reptiles as they are cold-blooded (eco-therms), have scales, breathe air, and lay egg on land.The distinction between them comes mainly from what living habitat they are adapted for, though the terminology differs slightly in certain countries. For instance, in Australia, other than marine sea turtles is given to chelonians that live in or near water. That being said, in general there are a few commonly accepted distinctions between turtles, tortoises, and terrapins.

Turtles may be completely aquatic, like sea turtles; which rarely comes up onto land, except to lay eggs. Other types of turtles are semi-aquatic and live by fresh water ponds or lakes. They tend to swim, but also spend a lot of time on land, basking in the sun and occasionally burrowing in mud. Turtles have adapted to an aquatic life and are streamlined for swimming with webbed feet, or in the case of sea turtles, they may eat jelly-fish, small invertebrates, sea sponges or sea-vegetation. In the case of fresh water turtles, they may eat plants or insects and small fish.

Tortoises, on the other hand, are almost exclusively land-dwelling animal, usually with stubby feet, and aren't good swimmers. They occasionally enter water bodies to clean themselves off or drink water, but could easily drown in the deep or in strong currents. Their bodies are adapted to living on land and they aren't stream-lined like turtles, but rather display high domed shells and column shaped feet much  like that of elephants. They also sometimes have sharp claws for the most part herbivorous and primarily eat low-lying shrubs, cacti, grasses,weeds, fruit, and other forms of vegetation.

Lastly, the term terrapins is sometimes used for turtles that are semi-aquatic and live near brackish water or swampy regions. They're sort of like a mix between a turtle and tortoise, as they spend most of their time divided between water and land. They are also usually small and have a hard-shell that's shaped somewhere between a turtle's streamlined one and a tortoise's rounded dome shaped one.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

5 ) A group of Cats is called a 'Clowder'.
The correct term for referring to a group of cats is 'clowder'. Interestingly, there are also two other valid ways to refer to a group of cats, other than just saying "group of cats" or "cats"; those other two terms being 'clutter' and 'glaring'.

In addition to this, if one wants to refer to a group of wild cats, he correct term are 'dowt' and destruction'. Who knew?